Jordan is the ranking Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee should be booted off the Committee immediately for mocking the severity of this breach of national security.
Jim Jordan Mocks Image Of Top Secret Documents Strewn About
Credit: Screengrab combo
August 31, 2022

Rep. Jim Jordan, who was part of Trump's inner circle, used the House Judiciary GOP Twitter feed to attack the damning photo published by the Department of Justice late Tuesday night.

The photo shows a large number of documents marked "TOP SECRET" spread across the carpet at Mar-A-Lago. It's quite unbelievable to see US top secrets treated like they were Trump's old Hustler magazines getting ready for the bin. or maybe he just finished using them? (OK, that was icky)

Jordan, who runs the House GOP Judiciary Twitter feed, focused his ire not on all the classified documents strewn on the floor like garbage, but an image on the far right top that depicts a Time magazine cover.

Jordan is the ranking Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee should be booted off the Committee immediately for mocking the severity of this breach of national security.


Jordan routinely loses his mind over a negative text message of Trump or an email, but when he sees actual top secret documents being handled so moronically and with so much danger to US national security, he makes a joke.

Trump considers top secret documents nothing more than a discarded Time Magazine. I'm sure Chinese, Russian, and North Korean spies just loved walking into Mar-A-Lago.

The US now sees how bereft of integrity and honor Jim Jordan is when he pretends top secret US documents are nothing more that Trump's playthings.

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