July 19, 2022

Fox News’ The Five co-host Jeanine Pirro attacked Dr. Fauci after the news broke he was retiring after Biden's first term ended.

Dr. Fauci spent 5 decades of intense service fighting viruses in this country, but as usual Fox News has to criticize him to appease the MAGA cult.

Pirro was outraged as usual.

"Do we need to mask up yet? What is this HV5 variant of Omicron which was not lethal but more people are sick!"

Pirro exclaimed, "Who are you kidding? I'm not putting a mask on in my house or anywhere else."

The possibility of an LA indoor mandate depends on hospitalizations, but obviously that would not apply for inside your home, idgit.

And how does a Los Angeles indoor mandate effect Pirro?

She continued, "And you know what, if you want to tee off Americans, you just tell them to put a mask on."

Only MAGA cultists don't care about protecting others from a pandemic, who are fast becoming fascists that are not interested in US Democracy.

Then Pirro he attacked the good doctor, transmitting every conspiracy Rand Paul promoted against Dr. Fauci.

"I am so happy to see Dr. Fauci go, but I would be much happier if someone would investigate what his connections were to the gain of function in china, what his connections were to the pharmaceuticals that we were all forced to take these vaccines and the boosters and that they started talking about monkeypox vaccines, I mean, come on, we are not that stupid. It is big pharma versus America," Pirro said.

Yes, you are that stupid.

Why doesn't she blast her pal Rudy Giuliani for his role in helping and defending Purdue Pharma from being rightfully punished over Oxycontin, that caused the opioid epidemic in this country?

Can you help us out?

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