Rudy Giuliani falsely told Newsmax that all the Ukraine information he dug up while acting as a shadow US State Department at the behest of Trump against Biden was true and top intelligence people are a bunch of "whores."
Always Trumper host Greg Kelly said it was crazy that Trump and Giuliani are the ones being singled out for criminal charges to be filed. (Actually, many more members of Trump's coup team may face similar consequences.)
"Are you fearful of that?" Kelly asked.
"No," he said.
"So far, everything they've accused me of, I've been right,'" said the spider to the fly.
That is only Giuliani saying he's right and nobody else. That's like Jeffrey Dahmer saying he never ate anybody. Someone must have put those body parts in his refrigerator.
Giuliani said, "First I was accused of falsely charging Joe Biden with Ukraine. Turns out its 100% true."
"Then I was accused of knowing about Russian collusion. They were lying. I was telling the truth," Giuliani said.
Rudy's constant OANN appearances tell another story.
Apparently, Rudy did not look at the Mueller report that saw a multitude of interactions with Russia and Trump campaign staffers and family members.
Giuliani continued, "Then I'm accused of being a Russian agent by the top intelligence people in the Democratic Party - a bunch of whores"
I love when a liar calls everyone else liars.
Every one of Giuliani's voter fraud claims was nonsense and a breach of the ethical duty of any competent lawyer. Even Trump-appointed lawyers threw his request out the window because they were so fictitious.
He singled out all the members of the January 6 Select Committee and said, "Every one of them is a proven liar."
Of course, there is no proof to any of this, but Giuliani knows he could just ramble on about any subject, and the dupe, Greg Kelly, will just smile and nod his head in agreement.
Rudy Giuliani is one of the vilest and most contemptible Trump apologists ever to walk and breathe on this earth.
The actions he took in Ukraine as well as trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential election, are unconscionable and, in my view, treasonous.
If the people of America have justice, then Giuliani and Trump would end up in jail, and he would be stripped of all his law licenses and never be able to practice again in this country.