Not just Donald Trump has a penchant for lying, but his offspring do, too. Except for Barron Trump, of course. And possibly Tiffany. She's a hard one to figure out.
At any rate, Eric told Newsmax's Greg Kelly that as he boarded a plane last week, the passengers started chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
"Greg, the American people get it," the son of the twice-impeached one-term President said. "I think there's more love out there than ever right now. I'm hugged by people every single day, saying, you know, 'Thank God we had your father in the White House, and look what's happening right now."
Bullshit. That never happened. As for "what's happening right now," the economy is booming, unemployment is down, we have a lower child poverty rate, President Joe Biden is confirming judges, and most of us sleep better after what felt like a 4-year hangover.
Trump will definitely be watching the Jan. 6 hearing today, and he's about to get curb-stomped. No, we don't miss the nepotism, the corruption, the name-calling, the juvenile hissy fits, the attacks on our free press, the temper tantrums, the highly embarrassing tweets, the grifting (He's still doing that, though), and the lies. So many lies.
It's rather sad that Eric felt the need to make that story up. It's as if he's trying to sound like people really like him when the opposite is true. His father will likely be indicted. And not even Eric's father hugs him.