Greg Kelly also tried to link Crimo to the LGBTQAI community because he wore women’s clothing to disguise his identity.
Newsmax' Greg Kelly: July 4th Killer 'Looks A Little Antifa-ish'
Credit: Screengrab combo
July 7, 2022

Always looking to blame the left for right-wing inspired mass murderers, Newsmax host Greg Kelly poked fun at Robert Crimo's appearance, in an effort to link him to Antifa and the LGBT community.

During his July 6 program, Kelly snarked, "I've seen this type before --He looks a little antifa-ish, doesn't he?"

What do Antifa people look like? Right-wing pundits use their lying observations as a way to define truth to their viewers and spread hate only against center-left Americans.

Kelly then passively took a shot at law enforcement when the Newsmax host claimed they were trying to "explain away things like him being a cross-dresser."

The police reported that Crimo wore women's clothes as a disguise to blend into the crowd while carrying his guns.

Kelly said, "Or maybe like leftists all over the place, he likes wearing women's clothes even though he is a he."

Then Kelly claimed Crimo was a liberal even though he said he might have voted for a Republican in the past.

The Washington Post reports:

Before the presidential election in 2020, he became a fixture at local rallies in support of President Donald Trump and gatherings of far-right activists, said Rachael Wachstein, a longtime resident who organizes social justice events in the mostly liberal area."

Wachstein said she first saw Crimo at a September gathering of Trump supporters held near the site of the July 4 shooting. It drew a crowd of local counterprotesters, according to Wachstein and local news accounts. “He was pretty aggressive,” she said. “He was up in my friend’s face, shouting.” In photos of the event, Crimo, wearing bright red pants and a sweatshirt with a smiley face, can be seen standing near a crowd holding pro-Trump flags, as police officers monitor the gathering.

What Kelly did here was classic projection. Take a known violent criminal and try to paint him as a leftist in order to absolve violent right-wingers. It's pure projection.

Right-wing media is sick and twisted.

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