Michael Gableman, the former Wisconsin State Supreme Court justice who was put in charge of the election fraudit, was found in contempt of court after insulting the judge, refusing to answer questions and failing to produce court-ordered documents.
June 12, 2022

As the gentle reader might remember, Michael Gableman is a former Wisconsin Circuit Court judge and a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, who was appointed by Speaker Robin Vos to be in control of yet another 2020 election fraudit. Gableman's appointment was indicative that this fraudit was a covert job and not something to be taken seriously since he was known to be a Big Lie conspiracy theory adherent and admitted publicly that he had no clue how elections worked.

The fraudit exceeded all expectations of being a farce. Gableman, without any supervision from Vos or any other government official, proceeded to spend nearly a million dollars on things like traveling to Big Lie rallies and other political events; multiple trips to Costco, grocery stores and gas stations; trips to a salon for men; and to pay other Big Lie adherents tens of thousands of dollars a month although no one knows what they actually did to earn that money.

Gableman also tried to force city and county officials to interviews behind closed doors and threatened those that refused to comply with jail time. And the one city official who did comply with Gableman's demands was interviewed by a lawyer who was not licensed to practice law in Wisconsin.

One thing that Gableman didn't do though was keep records to justify his use of taxpayer dollars being used to fund this debacle. Whether because he didn't believe in government transparency (he already called public meeting laws a failed experiment) or because he didn't bother to keep records, he continuously refused to respond to open records requests. Therefore, American Oversight, a government watchdog group, sued Gableman and Vos for said records. After months of delaying tactics, Gableman was ordered to have the documents in court Friday. Instead, Gableman put on theatrics:

Consider Gableman’s appearance Friday, when, after 45 minutes of argument by his lawyers that he should not have to testify at all, he finally took the stand. He proceeded to deliver a bombastic speech, refused to answer questions and denounced the judge, who, he declared, without evidence, “has abandoned his role as a neutral magistrate and is acting as an advocate.”

Dane County Circuit Court Judge Frank Remington directed Gableman to stop his filibuster. “You’ve had a long and storied career, serving the public as … let me finish please,” he said, as Gableman interrupted him.

“Sure, if you’ll let me finish,” Gableman shot back.

That’s not how it works. Remington reminded him, “I do not need to tell you how I expect you to control yourself and the behavior that I expect of a witness on this stand.”

After a brief further exchange, Gableman said, “You have a right to conduct and control your courtroom, judge, but you don’t have a right to act as an advocate for one party over the other. I want a personal counsel if you are putting jail on the table. I want a personal attorney to represent me personally. I will not answer any more questions. I see you have a jail officer here. You want to put me in jail, Judge Remington, I’m not going to be railroaded.”

After storming out of the courtroom without handing over the ordered documents or being arrested, Gableman openly admitted that he didn't keep records that he didn't consider relevant to his "investigation," saying that if he had kept every piece of paper, he'd need a warehouse. Apparently, he didn't spend any of that million dollars on a scanner or someone with the basic technical skills to use one.

Did I mention that Gableman used to be a Supreme Court Justice? You sure couldn't prove it by his behavior for the past year.

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