June 19, 2022

Sen. Mike Lee downplayed and attacked a new Fox News poll showing massive support for gun control by claiming respondents don't understand words in the questions, like assault weapons,.

Fox News Sunday host Shannon Bream put up a graphic from the latest Fox News poll on those in favor of proposals to reduce gun violence.


Bream said, "Fox News polling shows that there is a lot of strength behind some of these proposals ---background checks before you do a purchase: 88 percent though. Moving the legal age for an assault rifle purchase is at 82 percent. Flagging for people who are a danger to themselves or others, red flag laws 81% rate and banning assault weapons 63%. There is a lot of momentum at least among the public sphere for doing this."

"Are you out of step with your constituents?" Bream asked.

Sen. Lee (U) replied by attacking all the questions asked in polls by babbling nonsense.

"Constituents are asked poll questions, they're not asked questions about specific language within legislative text. It's the job of the lawmaker to look out for the interest and the rights of the law-abiding citizens you represent," Lee said. "With each of those provisions I understand how they could get high popularity ratings when they don't define them."

In Sen. Lee's mind, people are too stupid to understand simple poll questions.

"You talk about banning assault weapons. There is no universal definition of what an assault rifle is," he pointed out, as if people don't know what kind of weapon slaughtered children in Uvalde, Texas just a few weeks ago.

Lee went on to describe some of the differences in these weapons. (It's apparent to anyone that Sen. Lee could easily define what an assault weapon is and put together a list for his constituents.)

A stumbling Lee continued, "The text does matter here because it is that text that will determine whether we are intruding unduly on the rights of the American law-abiding citizens in doing so in a way that would actually deter violent criminal behavior."

Lee is more concerned with supporting the NRA's unflinching stance than saving the lives of children being slaughtered in schools.

Republican lawmakers brag about how much they know about guns, ammo, and rifles, so why couldn't they easily come up with a list in a few days of items that should be banned or restricted? Sounds very easy.

Instead, Republicans offer up word salad platitudes and argue semantics to deny any form of common sense gun control to American voters.

A right to bear arms does not give a person the right to own a mass murdering, high powered, high magazine capacity assault weapon that's made for the military.

It is not a violation of anyone's freedom. Those weapons are a public menace as we've seen over and over again.

It's not rocket science, Republicans.

It's not that complicated.

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