Fox News has just released another poll that measured gun control. The last time they polled was just after Newtown, in early 2013. Massacres of school children will do that. Fox News also uses a reputable pollster, which is why their numbers are similar to other pollsters and contrary to what passes for news on the conservative entertainment channel.
The overall numbers haven't changed much since then, but there are some differences. More people think armed guards are a good idea in schools (69% now, 51% then), but even less think arming teachers and school officials is a good idea (37% now, 42% then). Support of assault-style weapons coontinues to plummet (51% supported a ban on them in 2013, it's now 60%).
Some disquieting numbers still persist, such as this poll saying 48% of Americans still have a favorable opinion of the terrorist organization the National Rifle Association (NRA). Just 45% unfavorable, suggesting years of powerful ingrained propaganda will be hard to overcome.
A majority (56%) think it's important that Congress pass gun legislation this year, but just 19% think that's likely.
Source: Fox News
Voters prioritize protecting citizens from gun violence over protecting the rights of gun owners. And while majorities support a variety of gun control proposals, the latest Fox News poll also finds doubt Congress will act -- or that it would make any difference if it does.
By a 13-point margin, voters consider protecting against gun violence more important than protecting gun rights (53-40 percent).
In addition, there’s substantial support for specific measures to reduce gun violence, including: requiring criminal background checks on all gun buyers (91 percent), requiring mental health checks on all gun buyers (84 percent), raising the age to buy all guns to 21 (72 percent), putting armed guards in schools (69 percent), and banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons (60 percent).