June 22, 2022

President Biden embarrassed Chevron CEO Mike Wirth yesterday by singling him out for being mildly sensitive and getting his feelings hurt so quickly after he received his letter questioning the massive profits Big Oil is reaping while gas prices rise.

During a briefing yesterday, Bloomberg's Jennifer Jacobs broached the topic.

"[Wirth ] said that your administration has largely criticized the oil and gas industry and at times vilified it, and that the administration needs to take a change in approach in order to make progress on reducing energy prices and to increase supply. Do you have a reaction to that, sir?" Jacobs asked.

"He’s mildly sensitive," Biden replied. "I didn’t know they’d get their feelings hurt that quickly."

Biden explained that the country needs more refining capacity and Big Oil is not responding to the needs of the people.

As usual the multimillionaire class of CEO's cannot take a mild criticisms of any kind.

If Biden is nice will they increase production? Of course not.

Grow a pair, Mr. Wirth.

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