"People still have questions" is patently untrue. They've been brainwashed to donate to your father-in-law's "stop the steal" scam, or they haven't.
May 25, 2022

I would ask somebody at Fox Business to remind Lara Trump about the past two years, but she and the network that hosts her are lying on purpose, so never mind.

"I think Mr. Trump wants to look back to the 2020 election and rehash it next time around," Varney asked Trump's daughter-in-law, who along with the rest of the on-air staff, gets paid by Fox to spew nonsense. "A lot of people don't want him to do that. How about you?"

"You still have people with unanswered questions," she replied with a straight face. "And by the way, if you asked any questions, oftentimes it was shut down, it was swept under the rug. So many people still don't know what ultimately happened. Going forward, I mean, shouldn't we know that we have fair elections?"

WHO swept the SIXTY PLUS court cases LOST by Trump and company "under the rug" Lara? Your employer?

And yeah we should know we have fair elections, that's why the Republican Party, your party, Lara, in Michigan is removing multiple candidates from the ballot in a HUGE signature-gathering fraud case.

Because it's always projection with Republicans.

PS It turns out Lara Trump and her husband bilked the Secret Service and therefore the American taxpayer out of millions.

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