While some at Fox News stood by their call that Joe Biden had been duly elected in November, 2020, Sean Hannity said he was “at war with them.”
New Texts Reveal Hannity Turned On Fox News In Service Of Big Lie
Credit: @bluegal (Composite)
April 30, 2022

CNN has obtained more than 80 text messages between Hannity and Mark Meadows, beginning on Election Day, 2020 and ending on January 19, 2021, the day before President Joe Biden was inaugurated. During that period of time, Hannity evolved, as CNN put it, “from a staunch supporter of Trump's election lies to being ‘fed up’ with the ‘lunatics’ hurting Trump's cause in the days before January 6.”

But first, Hannity revealed his loyalty to Trump over the hand that feeds him millions.

We already knew that Hannity’s nose was firmly implanted up Trump’s butt and that while playing a news anchor on TV, he was really a political activist and adviser. But we, or at least I, did not know just how much he prioritized his activism over his actual employer.

From the CNN trove:

December 6, 2020
Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity
Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity
Doing this to try and get ratings will not work in the long run and I am doubtful it is even a short term winning strategy
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
I've been at war with them all week. We will talk wen I see u. I'm at the party with my kids next Sunday night at 7. Also if this doesn't end the way we want, you me and Jay are doing 3 things together. 1- Directing legal strategies vs Biden 2- NC Real estate 3- Other business I talked to Rudy. Thx for helping him

December 11, 2020
Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity
Send me Suzanne Scott's number if you can. I can call through switchboard but that makes it a bigger deal
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
3 years we expose the deep state, what happens? Nothing The Media protects Joe and Hunter. They steal an election. What am I missing Mark? We r so F'd as a country

Hannity seemed to go frustrated with his Bedtime BFF starting with the Georgia run-off:

December 12, 2020:

Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
These 2 senate seats are slipping away. Kemp is a total idiot
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
He has to make this about him. I'll make a deal with you, If you 2 R's to the senate, I'll run again in 2024
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
Make it about him. 2 of the worst candidates I've ever seen
Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity
The seats are slipping away.

But even so, Hannity was still more loyal to Dear Leader than to Fox. Also from December 12, 2020:

Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
I talked to Jay about this and he agrees. You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us. And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
I've been at war with them
Mark Meadows to Sean Hannity
I agree. We can make a powerful team. I did not talk with Suzanne because I got tied up with pardons but I will make sure I connect. You are a true patriot and I am so very proud of you! Your friendship means a great deal to me
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
Feeling is mutual. I truly feel sorry for our friend. He's never had a days peace. On the other side of this, he's exposed a very dark side of thework swamp that's far worse than I ever imagined and I am not particularly optimistic for the future. Biden is a semi conscious corpse, and he will be controlled by a very radical left wing element. I'm convinced now, that he defied all odds, beat the deep state twice and they were never going to let him win this election. The country has foundational corruption that likely can never be fixed. The ramifications of this are incalculable. Nobody will dare take this on again. That means we will no longer be the America we once thought we were. By the time the public wakes up to this it will be too far gone. I've lost all confidence in our institutional strength.

By December 22, 2020, Hannity seemed fed up:

December 22, 2020
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
You fighting is fine. The fing lunatics is NOT fine. They are NOT helping him. I'm fed up with those people.

December 27, 2020
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
No worries. We have to avoid a shutdown and get a bill passed or Ga is gone imho. It's already a heavy heavy lift. Talked to everyone at length today.

December 31, 2020
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows
We can't lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.

Of course, we know that Trump did not take Hannity’s advice on that score. And we know from prior text releases that Hannity urged Meadows to have Trump “make a statement” asking people “to peacefully leave the capital.”

Then there was this:

January 10, 2021
Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan
Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can't mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I'm not sure what is left to do or say, and I don't like not knowing if it's truly understood. Ideas?

Yet not once did Hannity acknowledge that Fox’s Election calls were correct.

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