In another bizarre segment on The Five, Jesse Watters and Martha McCallum downplayed Trump's blackmail against Ukraine. Remember the "I need a favor though" that got him impeached the first time?
Fox News Democratic consultant Jessica Tarlov praised President Biden's handling of Russia's invasion, which didn't go down well for the other four Fox News hosts.
Once Tarlov began blasting Trump for holding up Javelins "over getting some extra dirt" on Hunter Biden.
Off-camera Pirro sighed.
"[Trump] got impeached over it, it's in transcripts, judge," Tarlov said.
The Government Accountability Office confirmed Trump broke the law. The only reason the aid was released was that it created a huge backlash against the Trump administration and Donald was forced to release the aid.
Jesse Watters jumped in, ignoring Trump's illegal actions, "Did the Javelins get there?” As if that was a competent defense of Trump, which it is not.
Martha McCallum went into faux outrage that Russia refuses to take a phone call from Biden.
McCallum veered into la-la land claiming Trump's actions were only a "impeachment moment" with the Ukraine President. Huh?
Martha then backed-up Watters idiocy. “The fact of the matter is, the Javelins were released,” she said.
They were forced to release them, Martha!
McCallum then turned to her litany of right-wing talking points attacking Obama and Biden over weaponry and said, "The Democrat history on this is very weak and President Trump sent them much more than anyone else had - that’s the bottom line.”
“He also wanted to disband NATO,” Tarlov said.
McCallum continued on her pro-Trump jihad and screamed, "That’s not true! No, he didn’t. That’s false.”
And then it got even weirder.
“[Trump] wanted to strengthen NATO," McCallum argued. "He strengthened NATO actually.”
If you've forgotten. Glenn Kessler highlights the many times Trump shat on NATO.
Up is down on Fox News and gaslighting history abounds.