February 12, 2022

Here’s Gabbard urging Biden to cave to Putin's demand, as Carlson puts on his deep-pondering face and nods.

GABBARD: President Biden could end this crisis and prevent a war with Russia by doing something very simple: guaranteeing that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. Because if Ukraine became a member of NATO, that would put U.S. and NATO troops directly on the doorstep of Russia which, as Putin has laid out, would undermine their national security interests.

The reality is that it is highly, highly unlikely that Ukraine will ever become a member of NATO anyway. So, the question is why doesn’t President Biden and NATO leaders actually just say that –


GABBARD: - and guarantee it.

As these two almost surely know, the reason why, as Vox explains, is because a) NATO has an open-door policy that says each country can choose for itself whether to become a member and b) making such a concession would effectively give Russia a veto on NATO membership and cooperation.

Look, I don’t want to see a war over Ukraine either. But Carlson and Gabbard are not promoting peace, they are deliberately denigrating Biden and NATO on the public stage and suggesting that Putin has the higher moral position. You have to ask why.

Carlson recently threw a Tuckums temper tantrum over getting called out in the media for his pro-Russian propaganda, disingenuously claiming he’s "just asking questions” and conveniently ignoring the fact that Russian media think he’s doing their work, too.

As for Gabbard, she has been fuming over Hillary Clinton alluding to her, without naming her, as a “Russian asset” with “a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her” 2020 presidential candidacy. Yet, even in her $50 million defamation lawsuit against Clinton over the remarks (dropped just a few months later) Gabbard never specifically denied receiving support from Russia. In fact, when Carlson asked Gabbard on the air about the allegations, she deflected and never denied them there, either.

Apparently, that endeared her to him, as she has been a frequent guest since then.

And here’s another thing about the “question” of why Biden won’t go along with Putin’s demand that NATO promise never to accept NATO, via Vox:

Russia almost certainly knew that the US and NATO would never go for this. The question is what Putin thought he had to gain by making an impossible opening bid. Some see it as a way to justify invasion, blaming the United States for the implosion of any talks. “This is a tried-and-true Russian tactic of using diplomacy to say that they’re the good guys, in spite of their maximalist demands, that [they’re] able to go to their people and say, ‘look, we tried everything. The West is a security threat, and so this is why we’re taking these actions,’” said David Salvo, deputy director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund.

So why are Tulsi and Tucker spouting Russia’s own “tried-and-true” propaganda to claim they are the good guys and that the west is the aggressor? And why are the Murdochs paying for them to do so?

Hey. Just asking questions.

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