Palin Loses Libel Case Against NYT, As Expected
Credit: @bluegal (Composite)
February 16, 2022

Sarah Palin has officially lost her lawsuit against the New York Times after suing them for libel in a 2017 editorial. On Monday the judge formally announced that he planned to dismiss the case, but was going to give the jury a chance to return a verdict. It looks like the New York Times would have prevailed anyhow, as the jury found that Palin did not demonstrate the the NYT had acted with "actual malice," the standard that public figures must meet to demonstrate libel.

Palin's attorney, Kenneth Turkel, stated that he anticipates they will appeal on "some issues" related to the process.

The basis of the lawsuit was whether the NYT had libeled Palin when they allowed an editorial to run in 2017 that linked some rhetoric from her PAC and the 2011 shooting of Gabby Giffords. The error was corrected in a matter of hours, but Palin still sued.

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