February 9, 2022

Rep. Joyce Beatty relayed a shocking-yet-not story on Twitter about interaction with a white male GOP colleague that amounted to physical and verbal assault. What precipitated it? I'll give you a hint: it starts with "M" and ends with "ask."

Not only is Rep. Beatty a respected member of Congress, she is the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. What makes this Kentucky maskhole think he has the right to put his hands on any part of a woman uninvited, let alone a Black woman, and a woman of her stature, to poke her in the back, and hurl verbal abuse at her while doing it? White supremacy is a helluva drug, as the kids say. Add a side of misogyny, and you have, well, 5/6 of the entire Kentucky delegation.

The CBC came out strongly to back Rep. Beatty, demanding respect and an apology for their Chair, and making clear this behavior would not be tolerated, nor go unchallenged.

The strong reaction and support she received is likely what prompted an apology fewer than two hours after the CBC's press conference.

What about poking her in the back, Congressman? No apology for battery?

According to the Associated Press, Beatty is still planning to file an ethics complaint. "Beatty said she alerted House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., about the incident and will file a complaint with House Committee on Ethics."

Good. These would-be Grand Dragons need consequences.

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