Officers determined that the five people arrested all had knowledge of the sexual assault but did not report it as required by the Texas Family Code.
February 17, 2022

Think about this: Midland "Christian" School. A freshman on the school's baseball team sexually assaulted with a baseball bat. Administrators and coaches cover it up, despite a legal requirement to report it. (Boys will be boys?) Maybe it's time for a new definition of Christian. Via

The assault reportedly took place at Christensen Stadium around January 20, 2022 during a baseball practice.

The victim, whose name is not being released due to his age, was interviewed by Children's Advocacy Center.

During the interview, he told the forensic interviewer that he had been in the locker room to change when the lights were turned off.

Another student told the victim that it was "freshman initiation day" before someone began to hit the victim.

The victim said he was then pushed to the ground while still being hit and everyone was screaming at him. He stated he attempted to hit his attacker but was told he was not allowed to hit back.

According to the affidavit, the victim then stated he was sexually assaulted using a bat.

Also, there is something very wrong with the way we're raising boys.

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