Ron Johnson (Q-Trumperville) spoke with Larry Kudlow on the night of the anniversary of the insurrection. He did a remarkable Gish Gallop, as if he was trying to set a new speed record for the most lies and bullsh*t spewed in the shortest amount of time.
He started out saying he condemned the violence of the insurrection, but directed most of his faux outrage at the Black Lives Matter protests. In reality, he never condemned the violence of the insurrectionists. He immediately started claiming that it didn't seem to him like an armed insurrection.
He also went on record during a hearing on Capitol security to read a false account of the day's event from The Federalist, and blamed any violence on Antifa, even though they weren't there.
RoJo then tried a little bit of both-siderism, claiming an equal number of people thought the 2016 election was not legitimate as thought the 2020 election was stolen. As Mediaite reports, he couldn't be more wrong:
The problem is, the numbers simply don’t support Johnson’s characterization. According to a poll taken a day after the 2016 presidential election, 84% of Americans said they regarded Trump as the legitimate president, including 76% of Hillary Clinton voters.
But the 2020 election was a different beast entirely thanks to Trump’s false claims about widespread voter fraud.
Additionally, Johnson said on election night, “Frankly, we did win this election” while millions of votes had yet to be counted. As a result, millions of his supporters came to believe the election had been rigged. The result was predictable. In January 2021, just 58% of Americans believed that Joe Biden legitimately won the election. Notably, a whopping 62% of Republicans said Biden’s win was illegitimate.
For his grand finale, the stammering and yammering RoJo perpetuated The Big Lie, crying how that mean old Wisconsin Election Commission let all those Democrats vote — especially Black ones — in Milwaukee and other Democratic strongholds. He went so far as to accuse the election clerks of withholding the count, then "finding" just the right number of votes in the middle of the night to allow Biden to win.
He must be confused. That's what happened in 2010, when Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus "found" 7,500 votes for the conservative Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, which turned a certain defeat into victory.
The spit take moment of the day came when Johnson expounded on The Big Lie. RoJo said that people just wanted to have confidence in the elections, whether they were Republicans, Democrats or Independents. Yeah, right! This is coming from the guy who all but begged the state Republicans to commit election fraud and take over the federal elections.
Instead of a U.S. Senator worried about election integrity, RoJo is sounding more and more like any other MAGAt politician, scared to death of his own political future. As he damn well should be. If he does decide to run again, I've got the perfect slogan for him: Ask me no questions and I will still tell you lots of lies.