September 12, 2022

This has to be one of the weirdest minutes in television history. Senator Ron Johnson (Q-Moscow) went on the air with Larry Kudlow and it immediately went off the rails.

It started out with RoJo inventing his own language, accusing people of doing a "miserablbop" on COVID, and it went downhill from there.

Kudlow gave a really awkward pep talk listing RoJo's "qualifications" of being against taxes, excessive spending and corruption so much he said it twice. Meanwhile, RoJo starts having paranoid thoughts, saying that someone hacked into the broadcast and starts fussing with his camera while Kudlow is still droning on and on. It's like they had each split off into their own little, separate worlds and became totally oblivious of each other.

But wait, there's more!

Inexplicably, a picture of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pops up for a split second. Was this some kind of subliminal message? Does Fox Business have a mole? Is Kudlow secretly trying to screw with what little bit of a mind RoJo has left? Or is that an operation pulled off by all the secret IRS agents of which the right wing is so terrified?

Who knows? Who cares? But it is obviously beyond time that both RoJo and Kudlow get their own huggy jackets and take a nice, long vacation at Happy Acres Health Resort and Sanatorium.

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