On Tuesday's Fox News Special Edition, former Reagan Education Secretary Bill Bennett tried to use the pandemic and its fallout to compare President Biden to an "authoritarian regime."
It didn't work out well for him.
Bennett refuses to acknowledge that the entire world is trying to rebound from the global pandemic.
Using supply chain issues (that are improving as we speak) and rising gas prices as a cudgel, Bennett claimed Biden's positive messaging equated him with Putin or a strong arm lunatic like him.
There’s a problem with the Biden administration right now that’s getting acute,” Bennett said.
He continued, "You think things are bad, don't believe your own eyes. Don't believe what you see at the gas pump, believe me. This is what happens in authoritarian countries. And it’s a very dangerous road, a very dangerous road to take.”
Being upbeat is now considered authoritarian?
His idiocy didn't work out too well because as soon as Charles Lane had his chance to speak, he hit Bennett with a truth bomb.
Lane replied, "Well I think we did have a president in the previous four years who did quite often what Bill just said, and that was, as he says, a symptom of authoritarianism.”
Off-camera, Bennett whelped, "Get off Trump."
Lane said the gas price issues weren't Biden's fault.
Bennett couldn't leave it alone because Lane was correct about the former traitorous president.
"The instinct the instinct to go back to Trump is just so telling to me," Bennett cried.
"Trump wasn't destroying the country," Bennett said with a straight face.
There are almost 800K dead Americans because of Trump's criminal mismanagement of COVID alone, Bill.
As Bennett listed typical right-wing grievances, Lane cut in.
“Bill, you said this is authoritarianism, and the last president, the last president inspired a mob, a MOB, to attack the Capitol, Bill!”
“We’ll have our January 6th. I know you guys are putting a lot into that January 6th,”
As Bennett continued to bellyache, Lane said, “Kind of important.”
MAGA sycophants like Bill Bennett want you to forget the four-year uncontrollable, immoral, and disastrous reign Trump had, scrub it from your brain and make-believe the Orange Julius was some sort of an FDR.
That of course is a lie.
Trump was impeached twice and should have been removed as president if the GOP hadn't turned into a QAnon cult.