December 10, 2019

Donald Trump threw a Twitter temper tantrum today after Fox News Sunday dared to host Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) to talk about Trump’s coming impeachment.

It’s not as though it was a softball interview. Host Chris Wallace repeatedly challenged Cicilline on the phone logs released by the House Intelligence Committee showing that ranking member Devin Nunes engaged in several phone calls with indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas, e.g.

But Cicilline’s talk about the coming impeachment was apparently too much for Trump’s tender ego. He whined about Fox’s “pathetic” pandering to “losers” such as Cicilline as well as Democrats Rep. Eric Swalwell and Rep. Pramila Jayapal. All three serve on the House Judiciary Committee which will be drawing up the articles of impeachment.

As Mediaite noted, all three of the Congresspeople clapped right back at the Crybaby in Chief:

Watch the interview with Cicilline that triggered Trump above, from the December 8, 2019 Fox News Sunday.

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