Steve Bannon, another MAGA grifter who was pardoned by Traitor Trump told NBC News that he has 20,000 shock troops ready to help the next Republican president.
"If you’re going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct it, then you have to have shock troops prepared to take it over immediately," Bannon said in a telephone interview with NBC News. "I gave 'em fire and brimstone."
Earlier today, on his QAnon anti-vax show War Room, hosted by Real America's Voice, Bannon continued with his Star Wars fantasy.
"We're winning big in 2024 and we need to get ready now," he said. "Right? We control the country. We've got to start acting like it. And one way we're going to act like it, we're not going to have 4,000 [shock troops] ready to go, we're going to have 20,000 ready to go and we're going to pick the 4,000 best and most ready in every single department."
In essence, he's saying he has 20,000 white supremacists at his beck and call.
Bannon wants to put MAGA sycophants and cultists in key positions throughout any Republican administration to kill all government functions.
Traitor Trump was so corrupt that he was impeached twice, but should have been removed from office if Republicans were actually a credible political party instead of a Jim Jones fan club.
Guess what Bannon's first targets to undermine will be? "The FBI and the Justice Department."
Not only will they protect any criminal actions by a Republican administration, they would try and destroy any Democratic politician that voices opposition.
That's the face of true fascism.