August 4, 2021

"Vaccine hesitancy" is a real thing in Ron DeSantis' Florida. The only member of her family to get vaccinated was her 85-year-old grandmother, who also had other health issues. On her fiance's side, the family was described by the youngest daughter as "overwhelmingly afraid" of the vaccine.

Source: WJXT

NASSAU COUNTY, Fla. (WJXT) - A Florida woman is pushing for more people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 after losing three of her family members to the virus in less than a week.

Tiffany Devereaux lost her 35-year-old fiancé, Britt McCall, her 65-year-old mother and her 85-year-old grandmother to COVID-19 in just five days.

“I lost my grandmother on Saturday, lost my fiancé on Monday and lost my momma yesterday [Thursday],” Devereaux said. “I had to skip going to my memaw’s funeral… so I could get to the hospital to say goodbye to my momma.”

Since this report, Britt McCall's father Mark also passed. His wife is also still in the ICU and gravely ill.

In an interview with the Times-Union last week after her brother Britt McCall's death, Payten McCall said her family — including her hospitalized parents, Mark and Sherry McCall — was overwhelmingly afraid of getting vaccinated. On Friday, Mark McCall, 60, died from COVID-19 complications.

Devereaux's grandmother, Ruth, was the only member of the two families that was vaccinated.

Payten McCall set up a GoFundMe account she thought would be to help defray medical expenses. Now it's to help bury her family.

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