Dan Patrick admits his party is being heavy-handed in passing the bill that caused Democrats to walk out of the House chamber, denying the legislature a quorum.
June 1, 2021

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick verified reports that Republican state legislators acted irresponsibly when they tried to ram through a highly controversial Texas voting bill.

Texas Democrats staged a walkout after Republicans hid behind closed doors and during the Memorial Day holiday and crafted an anti-democratic and highly controversial voter bill.

Fox News host Bill Hemmer quoted a CBS News piece and said "They say in their article that this was a bare-knuckled procedure done over a holiday weekend and done in the middle of the night. After that you say?"

Dan Patrick replied, "It's correct."

The highly sycophantic Lt. Governor then went on to "both sides" the issue by claiming that since Texas Democrats couldn't win a vote they refused to participate.

Then Patrick came back and blamed the Republican leader for orchestrating this vote the way did.

Patrick said the Republican leader of the state legislature could've locked the doors blocking Democrats from leaving, but he didn't.

Patrick continued, "And then he didn't set this bill until four hours to go till midnight, which made it easy for them to walk out."

"I blame this on the speaker, who is a Republican."

As the segment went on Patrick blamed the Republican speaker for not only using a bare-knuckled heavy-handed way, but also for refusing to lock Democrats in the chamber? Wow.

Then when Dan Patrick was asked why Texas chose to change the voting rules after a highly contested presidential election six months ago, he made believe the horrific bill Texas Republicans passed was beautiful and not at all a partisan attempt to make voting much, much harder.

I have a bridge to sell you too, Dan.

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