February 10, 2021

Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy broke with Republicans and switched his vote, deciding it was constitutional to impeach Donald Trump a second time.

You may recall Cassidy had an important role in trying to help the Trump administration destroy Obamacare in 2017.

Sen. Cassidy famously got raked under the coals by Jimmy Kimmel over his awful and destructive Trump health care bill and had to run to Fox News for some comfort.

So the fact that Sen. Cassidy voted with the Senate Democrats is very significant.

After Trump's lawyers gave a disastrous and confusing performance trying to defend Trump from his seditious actions, Senator Cassidy explained his change of view.

“It speaks for itself. It was disorganized, random, had nothing — they talked about many things but they didn’t talk about the issue at hand. And so, if I’m an impartial juror and I’m trying to make a decision based upon the facts as presented on this issue, then the House Managers did a much better job."

Does the Louisiana Senator mean that "the Trump legal team using Fox News talking points as legal arguments" is disorganized and ridiculous?

We all have to agree.

Facts do matter.

UPDATE: Even Fox and Friends noted that Trump's not very good at holding on to good legal counsel.

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