Sen. Bill Cassidy told CNN that Jimmy Kimmel just "does not understand" his Trumpcare bill and that under it, more people will have health care coverage than Obamacare.
Cassidy went on a "rescue my reputation" interview circuit this morning, and it was bound to backfire because, of course, networks are going to run video of Jimmy Kimmel calling Cassidy a liar to set up the segment.
Host Chris Cuomo played some snippets of Jimmy Kimmel's rant last night against Sen. Cassidy, for lying to his face about wanting any health care plan that is put forth to pass the Jimmy Kimmel test.
After the clip ended, Cuomo said, "Harsh words not apparently in jest and joining us now is Senator Bill Cassidy. What is your response, Senator?"
Sen. Cassidy replied, "I am sorry he doesn't understand. Under Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson, (Not a law firm) more people will have coverage and we protect those with pre-existing conditions."
He continued, "States like Maine, Virginia, Florida, Missouri, they'll see billions more dollars to provide health insurance coverage for those in those states who have been passed by Obamacare and we protect those with pre-existing conditions."
Jonathan Cohn writes, "That statement, similar to one Cassidy also made on CNN, is virtually impossible to defend."
Cohn goes through the details and slams Sen. Cassidy for "double downing on dishonest."
Margaret Hartmann writes in the NY Mag, "4 Ways Graham-Cassidy Would Make the Health-Care System Far Worse"
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association just warned the GOP, that the Graham-Cassidy plan is a nightmare.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association warned against a new GOP ObamaCare bill on Wednesday, saying it would "undermine" protections for pre-existing conditions.
"The bill contains provisions that would allow states to waive key consumer protections, as well as undermine safeguards for those with pre-existing medical conditions," the association said in a statement.
The bill would allow states to repeal ObamaCare rules that prevent people with pre-existing conditions from being charged higher premiums.
Cassidy's counter-argument is deceptive and untrue and everyone knows it.
Except of course President Trump, who criticized Rand Paul in a tweet over his objections to the new Trumpcare plan.
You might want to screen shot that tweet for down the road when Trump calls the bill "mean," like he did with Trumpcare Part 1 (AHCA) after the House took the risk and passed it against the wishes of their own constituencies. Remember, everything the Senate is considering is an "amendment" to the original House bill to streamline the path to Trump's desk.
Experts say Kimmel is right, Cassidy isn't.
Cassidy’s plan “would pave the way for insurers to deny coverage to people with a history of medical conditions,” five HIV/AIDS groups warned in a joint statement on Tuesday.
The bill would also roll back the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion and make other funding changes, like converting Obamacare funds into block grants and ending traditional Medicaid as an open-ended entitlement that would force states to choose whether to cut Medicaid enrollment, benefits or payments to providers — or else raise taxes.
“Graham-Cassidy, like the previous Senate ‘repeal and replace’ proposals, takes a fiscal crowbar to Medicaid’s knees,” warned Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. Those cuts could disproportionately affect children, program director Joan Alker added.
"Kimmel did not overstate the impact," Alker said. "If Graham-Cassidy becomes law, there is no guarantee a child born with a congenital heart defect will get the coverage they need. It would depend on where they live, but even states with good intentions would struggle to protect children with the massive cuts to Medicaid included in this bill."