Hopefully, like Trump, this sort of thing becomes socially unacceptable and not "funny" anymore.
Source: Daily Hive
A Canadian journalist shared a video on Monday of a moment female reporters are all too familiar with: getting told “fuck her right in the pussy” while trying to film a news hit.
Krista Sharpe was on assignment for CTV News in Kitchener, Ontario when a driver yelled the sexist phrase as he passed her on the street.
Sharpe took a moment to compose herself before trying her hit again.
“As much as I’d love to say it doesn’t bother me, it does. It makes me feel like sh*t. Especially as VJ (video journalist) who is always alone,” she tweeted.
Video journalists are a staple of modern TV newsrooms. They film and edit their own stories, and shoot their on-camera pieces selfie-style, without the aid of a camera operator.
This is not funny and it’s not cool. As much as I’d love to say it doesn’t bother me, it does. It makes me feel like sh*t. Especially as VJ who is always alone. This still happens to female reporters everywhere and it needs to stop. pic.twitter.com/NsqJJsrOno
— Krista Sharpe (@KristajSharpe) January 18, 2021