November 17, 2020

Another winner from Tom McGovern, a follow-up to last summer's catchy hit, 'Shut The Fuck Up And Put On Your Mask!'

Hey everybody, thanks for wearing your mask!
Now I got another little favor to ask:

Take em' down, taken em' down, take your Trump signs down
You had a good run, but it's over now
So take em' down, taken em' down, take your Trump signs down
Walk over to your sign and pull it out of the ground

You tried to make a difference from your lawn
But Trump lost, so I wonder why the signs aren't gone
You flew a dozen flags from your truck
That's your American right, it's also dumb as fuck

Take em' down, taken em' down, take your Trump signs down
You had a good run, but it's over now
So take em' down, taken em' down, take your Trump signs down
Walk over to your sign and pull it out of the ground

Apparently, MAGA TikTok users were not amused.

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