No more gaslighting, your Republican House Member (and likely your Republican Senator too) actually voted to cancel your health coverage when he (yes, he) voted to repeal Obamacare in 2017.
November 5, 2018

This is the Democrats' closing argument, and opening argument, going into tomorrow's midterms:

Republicans VOTED YES on taking away your healthcare. And then they had a beer party in the Rose Garden with Trump to celebrate.

Above, from May of 2017, Mika Brzezinski calls the Bud Light beer party celebrating just the House passing an Obamacare repeal, "a sea of political stupidity."

Since that time multiple Republican politicians have tried to gaslight their own voters into pretending this party didn't happen. Thing is, a great many Democratic candidates for the House point to THIS moment as the moment when they decided to run for office.

Note that Democrats sang "Good Bye" to their Republican colleagues once the vote was over.

And here's Joe Scarborough noting to his Republican "friends" that they handed the Democrats victory with that vote, because a "day trader" (Trump) wanted a ceremony. "I hope it was worth it to you. Nancy Pelosi will be speaker."

Also in this clip, proof of cuts to Medicaid that would have affected nursing home patients nationwide. Republican policy (or lack thereof) on healthcare is terrible.

It's impossible for those of us who depend on the protections that ACA gave us to forget what they tried to do to US. But they certainly tried to make us forget and to lie repeatedly about their actual voting record on healthcare. May that vote be remembered at the polls -- kick these bastards out of office forever tomorrow.

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