If there's anything I've learned in the last 48 hours, it's that the media (and Twitter, and Facebook) really did know all along what to do about Donald Trump, and yes, they did know how to call him a liar -- they just didn't want to. But better late than never, considering the fate of the world was on the line!
"Trump Lies" on front page of NYT website right now. pic.twitter.com/UfZb8HvB5H
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) November 6, 2020
Heckuva sentence from @peterbakernyt @maggieNYT: "A presidency born in a lie about Barack Obama’s birthplace appeared on the edge of ending in a lie about his own faltering bid for re-election." https://t.co/eLVPgBaxql
— John Schwartz (@jswatz) November 6, 2020
This is about as chilling as it gets. Shep Smith had to abruptly cut Trump off in order to prevent the American people from hearing blatant lies which attack our democracy. #TrumpIsLosing pic.twitter.com/5C5GWVFqhA
— Mrs. Krassenstein (@HKrassenstein) November 6, 2020
.@jaketapper on Trump’s briefing:
“Feast of falsehoods”
“Lie after lie, after lie, after lie”
"It’s ugly. It’s frankly pathetic”
Trump “is lying about the election”
Trump “is smearing the American people”
“Frankly, watching him flail like this is just pathetic” pic.twitter.com/CRwPrKrytQ— Peter Wade (@brooklynmutt) November 6, 2020
In just over 24 hours Trump has racked up NINE warnings for misinformation and lies on his Twitter feed.
Please let me off this ride...pic.twitter.com/VqUCSNDQ4Z— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) November 5, 2020
Facebook has removed a huge group where some members called for 'civil war' and violence over unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud and a rigged US election.
Viral disinformation causing real-world harm is the worst fear of many in coming days!
I spoke to @BBCRosAtkins👇 pic.twitter.com/45u9fDJQYk— Marianna Spring (@mariannaspring) November 5, 2020
— Joshua Holland 🔥 (@JoshuaHol) November 6, 2020
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) November 6, 2020
Holy shit. pic.twitter.com/4YxmrNATro
— Vote Saved America (@votesaveamerica) November 6, 2020
Jaime, WE DID IT!!!
Since the day Jaime was murdered I have kept my emotions in check because we needed to get this done. Today, I am going to have a drink and I am going to cry like a baby🧡 pic.twitter.com/cXl6QmNy8w— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) November 6, 2020
"If you did not know that Joe Biden was getting close to 270, Donald Trump just provided all the proof you will ever need." pic.twitter.com/urOeCrbzHr
— A Late Show (@colbertlateshow) November 6, 2020
West Philly reacts to Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania by dancing in the street, of course pic.twitter.com/WBuipfLydN
— Ellie Rushing (@EllieRushing) November 6, 2020
Congratulations to Kamala Harris, the first woman to be elected as Vice President in US history. pic.twitter.com/N7o28fSNf9
— Simran Jeet Singh (@SikhProf) November 6, 2020
A woman who is a descendant of enslaved people brought to this hemisphere from Africa and villagers in South India is now a heartbeat away from the U.S. presidency.
— Deepak Gupta (@deepakguptalaw) November 6, 2020
bring gritty to the white house @JoeBiden pic.twitter.com/wi6dYBJdps
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) November 6, 2020
The Age of Men is over. The Time of Gritty has come.
— Sarah McLaughlin (@sarahemclaugh) November 6, 2020
Joy comes in the morning
— driftglass (@Mr_Electrico) November 6, 2020
The worst thing an abuser does is make you afraid of your own voice. Of joy. Of victory. THEY DON'T GET TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM US TODAY.
— Allison Hantschel (@Athenae) November 6, 2020
"Repeat after me: Biden is soon to be your daddy." pic.twitter.com/Ool39IhCnc
— 💙 Koko 🥁 💙 (@Kokomothegreat) November 6, 2020
— 🍁Julie🍁ShadyTomatoStudio (@vintagegoddess) November 6, 2020
— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) November 6, 2020
And here it is, your Moment of Zen pic.twitter.com/0Dwd32AAs5
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) November 6, 2020
Radar looks good. Game Theory HQ is standing down. 😎
It's been an honor to serve alongside you all. God bless America, and all nations, and all individuals - not one single person left out. pic.twitter.com/aSD0BUjThl— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) November 6, 2020
Playing Work That at full blast right now. For no reason. pic.twitter.com/CFLoG3H3GV
— Melissa Ryan (@MelissaRyan) November 6, 2020
First order of business: could someone ask @JoeBiden about the taco trucks, because WE WERE PROMISED TACO TRUCKS AND I HAVE BEEN MORE THAN PATIENT.
— Stabby Spice 💛🐝 (@KathleenSoprano) November 6, 2020
a strong man, a very powerful man with tears in his eyes came up to me and he said "sir, joe biden is now in the lead in georgia and pennsylvania, sir, and that means, sir, he will get over 270 sir"
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) November 6, 2020
How much happy crying in the shower is appropriate for a 40-plus year old man? Asking for a friend.
— Anonymous MD (@Dr_Anonymous33) November 6, 2020
When they go low, we call U-Haul. https://t.co/3DwAmNdzyB
— Allison Hantschel (@Athenae) November 6, 2020
Biden now leads in states worth 306 electoral votes. Here's how the map will probably finish pic.twitter.com/jsriBmroWb
— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) November 6, 2020
Some in the media may call it “defeat” & go back to calling states “red,” but they are not “red.” They are transforming states. They are voter suppression states. The very closeness of the race lets us know that in just a few years we will see the transformation of this country. pic.twitter.com/QbHGfP0OD7
— Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II (@RevDrBarber) November 6, 2020
You just don't need any puppies or kittens this morning, because it's a beautiful new day. CONGRATULATIONS for everything you lived through, everything you did to make this happen.