Rachel Maddow had Kamala Harris on last night, and ended the evening on a high note.
"Senator, I know I said that was the last question, but I lied. Right before we had that discussion about God, which is a very bad way to do it, but I just realized I would kick myself if I didn't just ask you before I let you go if you noticed the fly on Vice President Pence's head at the time during the debate," she said.
"Rachel..." Harris protested.
"Or if that was something only -- we could see it at home. Could you see it sitting next to him? Did you have feelings about like -- did you have the instinct to --"
"You know, Rachel, I just -- you know, I think that it's important that we kind of find a way, all of us, to move on and, you know, kind of fly away from this subject on to something else," Harris said, laughing. "Yeah."
"Senator Harris, you are very kind, and let's just spare a thought right now for the people who have to write closed captions for this portion of the interview and for those who have to transcribe it because they're going to have to no idea how to convey what we just communicated. Senator Harris, thank you so much for taking this much time. I know it's an exhausting time. Thank you for being here."
thank you, rachel. thank you very much for all that you do. thank you.