September 3, 2024

Donald J. Trump had a busy holiday weekend, during which he confessed to various things, one of them being illegal. The felonious former President is rattled by his upcoming debate with Kamala Harris, and it shows.

Trump thinks Harris is a "nasty person" because of the 2020 vice presidential debate between Kamala and Mike Pence. At one point, after being interrupted again by Pence, Harris said, "Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking."

"Now they have Kamala, who they say has many deficiencies, but she's a nasty person," Trump told Mark Levin. "The way she treated Mike Pence was horrible. The way she treats people is horrible."

The leader of the "Hang Mike Pence" mob whipped his supporters into a frenzy until they were within minutes of murdering his own Vice President simply because he did his job without putting his boss above the Constitution, and that hurt his feewings. It's all on tape.

Xitter had thoughts:

Kamala Harris stood her ground during the debate, and she'll do it with that assclown, too.

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