Michelle Obama makes an impassioned 24-minute argument for voting for Joe Biden in a video released this morning, reminding Americans exactly what's at stake.
"Because let's be honest right now, our country is in chaos because of a president who isn't up to the job and if we want to regain any kind of stability, we've got to ensure that every eligible voter is informed and engaged in this election because the stakes are on display every day -- not just in the headlines but in our families," she said.
But it was when she talked about racism that she was at her most powerful.
She said as a black woman who has always done her best, like most people of color, "to live a life of dignity and service and honesty. The knowledge that any of my fellow Americans is more afraid of me than the chaos we are living through right now -- well, that hurts."
She appealed for empathy.
"I want everyone who is still undecided to think about all those folks like me and my ancestors, the moms and dads who worked their fingers to the bone to raise their kids right, the teenagers who wear hoodies while working hard to get their diplomas. The millions of folks who look like me and fought and died and toiled as slaves and soldiers and laborers to help build this country.
"Put yourselves in our shoes for just a moment, imagine how it feels to wake up every day and do your very best to uphold the values that this country claims to hold dear like truth, honor, decency -- only to have those efforts met by scorn, not just by your fellow citizens but by a sitting president. Imagine how it feels to have suspicion cast on you from the day you were born, simply because of the hue of your skin.
"To walk around your own country scared that someone's unjustified fear of you could put you in harm's way, terrified of what four more years of this kind of division might mean for the safety of you and those you love, living with the knowledge that no matter how hard we try, how much good we do in the world, there will be far too many who will never see our humanity, who will project on us their own fears of retribution for centuries of injustice and thus only see us as a threat to be restrained."
She said racism, fear, and division are powerful weapons "and they can destroy this nation if we don't deal with them head on."
"So I want to ask every single American no matter what party you normally vote for, to please take a moment to pause. Click off the news, think about how you felt over these last four years, how quickly things have turned, and then thing about what the next four years could mean for our country's future."
She asked voters to think about what would compel them to accept this chaos, and be willing to watch the country spiral out of control.
"Because we can no longer pretend that we don't know exactly who and what this president stands for. Search your hearts and your conscience, and then vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it."
Beautiful. Powerful. Persuasive. Watch the whole thing.