October 9, 2020

Easily, the best part of the VP debate -- and perhaps of all of 2020 -- was when Mike Pence became Lord of the Flies.

To meet a sudden demand, the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum, located right here in Milwaukee, has announced that they are taking preorders for a Mike Pence and Fly bobblehead:

Credit: National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The most viral moment of Wednesday night's vice presidential debate was when a fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence's head, and now that can forever live on in your home in bobblehead form.

Yes, a bobblehead of the U.S. vice president, with a fly on his head, because this is 2020.


The bobblehead shows Pence in his debate-night suit, next to a plexiglass-like barrier, with a fly on his head.

"Social media has been abuzz with talk of the fly at last night’s debate, and when we received several requests for a bobblehead with Pence and the fly, we knew we had to get to work,” Phil Sklar, National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum co-founder and CEO, said in a press release. “We think this will be another fun bobblehead to put a smile on people’s faces as they look back at 2020.”

The cost is $25.00 with a shipping fee of $8.00. They expect to start shipping orders in January 2021.

If you want one to commemorate this special occasion, you can order it at their online store.

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