Tennessee Man Fired After Posting Meme Showing Obama Lynched Via Pay-per-view On Facebook
May 18, 2020

A Tennessee software executive is reportedly out of a job over images circulating on social media that suggest he wanted to see a pay-per-view lynching of former President Barack Obama.

The Chatanooga Times Free Press reported on Sunday that Transcard, a software company in based in Chatanooga, had removed an employee who posted offensive content.

Screen shots reviewed by the paper indicated that Transcard Vice President of IT Gary Casper posted an image of Obama with a noose around his neck. The image included the hashtag #PayPerView.

According to the Times Free Press, Transcard said that “views reflected in posts made by individuals do not reflect the views or values of Transcard.”

“The individual of recent concern is no longer employed with the company,” the statement noted.

Social media accounts belonging to Casper and other executives at Transcard were said to have been recently deleted.

A screenshot of his posting is below:

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