May 31, 2020

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms took Donald Trump out to the woodshed on CNN's State of the Union with Jake Tapper Sunday morning for his remarks and tweets about the unrest in cities this weekend.

Tapper asked specifically about Trump's tweets on Saturday threatening protesters outside the White House with vicious dogs and ominous weapons:

Lance Bottoms was visibly disgusted with Trump. "He should just stop talking," she sighed. "“This is like Charlottesville all over again, He speaks and he makes it worse.”

"There are times when you should just be quiet, and I wish he would just be quiet," she said. "Or, if he can’t be silent, if there is somebody of good sense and good conscience in the White House, put him in front of a teleprompter and pray he reads it, and at least says the right things, because he is making it worse."

I think she is being optimistic about him being silent or sticking to a script. For a racist like Trump, this is his dream come true. Unrest in all the cities, all the places where he is rejected outright. He's not just going to keep quiet, but will keep stoking the hate and the racism because he's counting on it to carry him over the line in November.

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