DUH: Lysol Warns Everyone Not To Inject Disinfectant
Credit: Jamie Holly
April 24, 2020

On Thursday night, Donald Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into the human body may be an effective treatment for COVID. It is not. Sure, it will kill the coronavirus in your body, but it will also kill you. Sort of defeats the purpose, right?

Not only were doctors aghast, but Lysol issued a statement as well.

Lysol maker, Reckitt Benckiser Plc, put out a statement saying that “under no circumstance” should its disinfectant products be injected into the human body. The further said: “As with all products, our disinfectant and hygiene products should only be used as intended and in line with usage guidelines."

Trump's newest White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, put out a very Orwellian statement, reminiscent of something you'd have read in the dystopian fiction book, 1984, accusing "the media of taking his words out of context." She added: “President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing."

NARRATOR: That is a lie.

Twitter was still on a rampage about this snake oil medicine recommendation on Friday morning:

People, do not drink Lysol. Do not inject your body with disinfectant. Wait, why am I warning YOU GUYS? You are reading Crooks and Liars. You are clearly smart enough to not do this.

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