Hey Alisyn, i normally think you're a good solid reporter, but WTF? Here you are, rationalizing that having the Justice Department look over Rudy Giuliani's conspiracy tales is some kind of improvement. You are simply too trusting.
On the Monday morning edition of CNN’s New Day, co-anchor John Berman noted that “a number of Republican senators who voted against convicting the president said, ‘He's going to learn his lesson. The administration — surely, surely they're not going to engage in this kind of behavior again,’” in a clearly sarcastic allusion to Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME).
“Well hold on a second. How is this not learning a lesson?” Camerota said. “Isn't this what the lesson is from impeachment — which is, they now are going to see if Rudy's information is verified, now.”
John Avlon was having none of that:
“The most generous explanation is that the Justice Department is going to create a channel to try to make sure the information isn’t Kremlin propaganda,” Avlon said. “The bad news, that also means that also means that they are taking dirt, and they’re funneling it against the president’s political enemies, as he tried to do in secret the first time around. Just like Republican senators are trying to do by getting documents from the Treasury Department against Hunter Biden.”
And, as Berman commented, "How is creating a crazy box at the Justice Department learning a lesson from impeachment?”