We are all being manipulated to spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need, so that the big chain stores can show a year-over-year profit. You have the power and ability to say no to rank consumerism. Every dollar you do NOT spend is a dollar that they do NOT have to donate to Trump. Put your values where your mouths are.
Today is Buy Nothing Day.
If you do have the itch to spend some Ameros, spend it locally at your neighborhood Mom & Pop stores. The money stays in your community (as opposed to going to the Waltons in gawd only knows where in Possum Hollar) and acts as a multiplier.
I’d like to make a new argument: If you are a person of means, please sit this one out and let the not-so-wealthy people have a shot at the (alleged) Great Deals. You don’t need that thing at 15% off, but it might be the only way your friends and neighbors can afford it.
I would add that spending your hard-earned money at used book stores and Goodwill is also a very fine thing to do: Goodwill puts it to use in jobs training programs amongst other purposes (don’t confuse Goodwill with the Salvation Army, and seriously the Army can go get eff’ed), and so not only does your money stay local it helps to grow your local economy and community directly.
I will add one last request to this post: please be kind to the people working on these sale days. They are not the societal problems that their employers may be, and many of them are working today/tonight/tomorrow because the rent is due. These horrible sales are really tough on them, and they’ve given up time with their families to spend time helping you.
Thank you,
Tengrain (Yer Local Communist)
Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors