October 6, 2019

Rep. Jim Jordan joined George Stephanopolous on Sunday morning to talk about all things Trump and impeachment.

"Do you think it is appropriate for President Trump to ask China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden?" Stephanopoulos began.

Jordan tried to make light of it by saying "George, do you think he was serious about China investigating the Biden family?"

Stephanopoulos responded, "He said it right there in public."

Jordan tap danced about Trump being "tough" on China. He made light of it. Tried to push back onto the Clinton campaign from 2015. Yes, we are in a time machine. Oh, and then he went to the Steele Dossier and "spying".

When asked directly if he think it is is wrong, Jordan still says Trump didn't mean it. He said it, but he didn't mean it.

This is the story now. It went from "he didn't say it" to "it isn't a crime" to "he said it but he didn't mean it."

Weak, Gym Jordan.

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