Looks like the higher-ups at Fox see the writing on the wall. Politics News Editor Chris Stirewalt fact-checked Bill Hemmer on-air about his bogus spin.
October 8, 2019


If you're gonna have management on the air with you, at least make sure you're on the same page. Bill Hemmer, anchor of Fox News' "America's Newsroom" was riffing about the phone calls Trump made to foreign leaders extorting them in order to extract damaging info about his political opponent. He tried to "both sides" everything (MY FAVORITE!) and actually said the words, "no record" when talking about the whistleblower's claims. Hemmer said, "It’s just lawmakers coming on the microphone and giving their spin, be it right or left."

Chris Stirewalt, a Fox News Political Editor, fact-checked him right there.

STIREWALT: There IS a record for those committees even as they meet without television cameras present....

We are early in this process, number one. Number two, the whistleblower doesn’t matter anymore. The whistleblower is substantially irrelevant. The President confessed on television — he said, ‘I did it,’ and then he added China to it, which sort of obviates the question about is there a whistleblower, isn’t there a whistleblower....Right now it looks pretty simple. There are enough Democrats to vote to impeach the president, I'm sure, and they're gonna impeach him on something that's pretty straightforward.

Yes, they are. And they aren't going to do it on terms dictated by Trump. Ouch.

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