The volatility in the Middle East starts with Trump pulling out of the JCPOA and his weakling obsession with undoing what Obama accomplished.
September 23, 2019

Sen. Ben Cardin blasted Trump for pulling out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement with our allies and which is now causing the tumultuous situation with Iran.

Fox News Sunday
guest host John Roberts asked him specifically about it since Sen. Cardin was not an original supporter of the Iranian nuclear deal.

Cardin said there really was not a military solution to the problem of Iran, a fighting war in Iran would cause a massive problem in the entire region and that diplomacy must win out.

Sen. Cardin said, "Here's the fault of the Trump policies. Before we withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreements, there were conversations with the Europeans about strengthening the sanctions against Iran for the non- nuclear violations."

"We could have had that international support and tightens the economic pressure against Iran, but still stay within the nuclear agreement. By pulling out of the nuclear agreement, it's the view of Europe that this is an American problem rather than an international problem," he said.

As the entire world knew and Cardin reminded us, "[Iran] were in compliance with the nuclear obligations when the United States pulled out."

Sen. Cardin continued, "The bottom line is, we made -- the -- we isolated the United States rather than isolating Iran, and Iran is the bad actor. There's no question about it. We don't know what they're going to do, but we certainly need the support of our international partners."

Donald Trump's feckless and irresponsible foreign policy decisions, especially in dealing with Iran have now resulted in both countries making militaristic threats against one another, while Iran becomes bolder against their adversaries.

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