It's the racism, stupid.
That's what Trump has left to offer his nutjob voters. Racism. After two years on the job, and the opportunity two months of summer offered him, namely to burnish his campaign strategy and connect with people on the fence, he blew it. He doesn't even have the economy to run on anymore.
The Deadline White House panel discussed Trump's response to a Washington Post piece in which even Republicans are bemoaning the wasted summer months. Actually, it was quite productive, just not in the way certain advisers wanted. They got racism, racism, economic instability in the form of trade wars and pressuring the fed, racism, don't forget cruelty at the border, plenty of mass shootings on which he blamed mental illness, and, oh, did I mention racism? So, basically, HIGHLY productive according to Putin and the Steves.
When told, though, that he has a leetle-teensy-tiny racism problem, Donald loses it.
HAHaHAhaHAhahA just kidding! He lost it a long time ago. He does what he ALWAYS does, which is blame Democrats, and accuse others of being the racist ones, namely marginalized and oppressed people. Yeah, they're the racists, Donald.
Elise Jordan and Shermichael Singleton joined Nicolle Wallace today to bring Captain Obvious to the table. They started off talking about The Chosen One's ghoulish and self-aggrandizing visit to the hospital in Dayton.
Shermichael Singleton agreed. Trump's base is looney-tunes, and not worth pursuing. But he sure makes it harder and harder for "moderate" Republicans to vote for him. (Fight me about "moderate" Republicans another time. I don't believe any Republicans are entitled to that qualifier anymore.)
Actually sounds like an appropriate 2020 slogan for Hair Fürer. "Trump/Pence 2020. Until There Is Nothing Left."