Donald Trump may be immune from prosecution on a litany of issues to his position, but Adam Schiff makes it clear that the protection does not extend to corruption.
September 22, 2019

Rep. Adam Schiff joined Jake Tapper on Sunday's State of the Union to discuss all things Trump. Of course, the topic went right to the totally fishy call with Ukraine during which he allegedly asked the newly elected leader to investigate Joe Biden's son a shocking EIGHT times.

William A. Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution told the Washington Post, “We haven’t seen anything like this in my lifetime. He appears to be daring the rest of the political system to stop him — and if it doesn’t, he’ll go further.”

Adam Schiff sent a not so subtle reminder to Donald Trump -- since he is denying that he did anything wrong (he has said this for days now,) Schiff responded:

"Release the transcript of the call...Clearly he is afraid...if the President is browbeating a foreign leader at the same time he was withholding vital military assistance that Ukraine needed to defend itself against Russia, the public needs to know"

Exactly. Innocent people do not engage in a coverup. They provide all necessary evidence to exonerate themselves. This would be like a proven liar/murder suspect having the murder weapon that has fingerprints of the true murderer AND a video of the murder happening that shows they clearly didn't do it, but withholding the video from the jury and just saying, "Trust me, I didn't do it," and hoping they will find him credible enough to not convict, even after he has lied over 12,000 times to the public.

Schiff ended the interview with this ominous statement:

"This would be the most profound violation of the Presidential Oath of Office, certainly during this Presidency...there is no privilege that covers corruption."

If true, Donald Trump committed a High Crime and Misdemeanor worthy of impeachment. Will the Democrats act? How long will they wait until they get the transcript and whistle-blower complaint in their hands? Time is clearly of the essence, as the public has a very short attention span for breaking news about Donald Trump's continued scandals. There will be another insane story within 72 hours and this will get lost, as the previous 936 have.

Democrats: ACT NOW.

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