November 26, 2019

Trump made a rambling speech and attempted a few jokes as he pardoned turkeys Bread and Butter.

"Thankfully, Bread and Butter have been especially raised by the Jacksons to remain calm under any condition, which will be very important because they've already received subpoenas to appear in Adam Schiff's basement on Thursday. True. Hundreds of people have. It seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on Turkey. But Bread and Butter, I should note that unlike previous witnesses, you and I have actually met. Very unusual. Very unusual," he said.

"In any event, I expect this pardon will be a very popular one with the media. After all, turkeys are closely related to vultures. I don't know if I like that line, but there's a little truth to it. But today after the birds will retire to Gobblers Rest at Virginia Tech, great college, where they will be cared for and enjoy a terrific life."

And we're thankful that next year, we get the chance to vote out this turkey. Amen!

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