August 26, 2019

Perhaps it's a good thing that we still have the capacity to be baffled and outraged by the utter horsesh*t that comes out of the Tangerine Douchetwizzle's mouth. We shouldn't get used to it, and yet it still would be nice not to feel kicked in the stomach every time we're confronted with his racist, ahistorical, and unpatriotic takes on our own previous presidents. On foreign soil, no less. I am old enough to remember when American politicians observed the diplomatic protocol of not criticizing other Americans when they were overseas. Those days are gone thanks to Republican embrace of Trump.

Not only that, the criticism takes the form of lies, and reeks of racism, not only for the former president he insults, but the esteemed reporter (Yamiche Alcindor, of PBS) asking him the questions.

ALCINDOR: Thanks, Mr. President. Why do you think it's appropriate to invite Russia to the G7 given that they've meddled in the 2016 election? And are you worried that if Russia does come to the G7 that it might hurt you politically because it's only going to be a couple of months before the 2020 election?

DJT: I don't care politically. A lot of people don't understand this. I ran one election and I won. It happened to be for president. I don't care politically....
[...blah blah blah argle bargle horsesh*t...]
...Really it was President -- I'm not blaming him, but a lot of bad things happened with President Putin and President Obama. One of the things that happened was, as you know, what happened with a very big area, a very, very big and important area in the Middle East where the red line was drawn and then President Obama decided that he was not going to do anything about it. You can't draw red lines in the sand. You just can't do it. And the other was in Ukraine having to do with a certain section of Ukraine that you know very well, where it was sort of taken away from President Obama. Not taken away from President Trump, taken away from President Obama. President Obama was not happy that this happened because it was embarrassing to him, right? It was very embarrassing to him. And he wanted Russia to be out of the what was called the G8. That was his determination. He was outsmarted by Putin. He was outsmarted. President Putin outsmarted President Obama. And I can understand how President Obama would feel. He wasn't happy. And they're not in for that reason....
[...blah yada bloop-de-doo horsedinky...]
I do nothing for politics. I do what's right. And people like what I do. But I just do what's right...

Wait, let me get this straight. You can't name the "very big area" where President Obama drew the red line in the sand (it was Syria, sweetie,) and Putin took Crimea away from President OBAMA? Crimea was OURS, and Putin tricked Obama into giving it to him? Oh, that wily Putin. He's so dang SMART. He and his army and TANKS outwitted Obama into losing Crimea to him in a game of checkers because he's brill, man. So much smarter than Obama!

Lies and racism. Yamiche Alcindor called him on it.

ALCINDOR: Why do you keep using the misleading statement that Russia outsmarted President Obama...

TRUMP: Well, he did.

ALCINDOR: ...when other countries have said the reason why Russia was kicked out was very clearly because they annexed Crimea? Why would you keep repeating what some people would see as a clear lie?

TRUMP: Well, it was annexed during President, I know you like President Obama, but it was annexed during President Obama's term. If it was annexed during my term, I would say, "Sorry, folks, I made a mistake." President Obama was helping Ukraine. Crimea was annexed during his term. It's a very big area and important area. [...something something submarines...] and President Obama was pure and simply outsmarted. They took Crimea during his term. That was not a good thing. It could have been stopped. It could have been stopped with the right whatever. It could have been stopped. But President Obama was unable to stop it and it's too bad.

Yeah. It could have been stopped with the right "whatever." President Obama was outsmarted. "I know you like President Obama..." You know, because Yamiche Alcindor is Black?

Racism and lies. The BIGGEST lie was when Trump said that if Crimea was annexed during his term, he would have said, "Sorry. I made a mistake." That's the biggest pile of horsesh*t of all.

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