August 8, 2019

While Donald Trump flew to El Paso and Dayton to supposedly try and express condolences, empathy and support for the victims and families of two mass murderers, he took the time to attack Shepard Smith during his Wednesday program.

It's always about Donald.

After coming back from a commercial break and aware of Trump's tweet Smith said, “Good afternoon, Mr. President, it's nice to have you with us.”

Nice troll.

Later in the show Rick Leventhal was his guest and after they discussed gangs using emojis to pass on secret messages, Smith said, "We’re being watched, as you know.”

Rosenthal asked, "Who's watching us?"

Smith replied, "Well, a number of people. Some of them are not too happy... which is too bad.”

Shep wasn't even criticizing Trump during his show, but Donald makes everything about himself.

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