Roseanne has been tweeting racist stuff for a decade... following the cancellation of her rebooted show, she has decided to blame... Ambien.
Roseanne Blames Racist Tweets On Ambien; Drugmaker Responds
Credit: The Blast
May 30, 2018

Following yesterday's epic meltdown, showrunner resignation and swift cancellation, Roseanne has really had a roller coaster 24 hours.

Today she added fuel to the fire, this time by blaming Ambien for her racist tweets. Seriously, she is blaming a sleeping pill for bringing out racism and hate, forcing her to tweet despicable things with photos.

On Tuesday, directly following the cancellation of her show, she declared she was leaving Twitter. Well, that didn't last long. She came back with a vengeance overnight and tweeted/retweeted over 100 times! That is manic level tweeting. \

In one of her tweets, she tried to feign ignorance by saying she was racist because: "I honestly thought she was Jewish and Persian-ignorant of me for sure, but...i did."

She also claimed that Ambien was causing her to tweet: "guys I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me. It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting -- it was memorial day too -- i went 2 far & do not want it defended -- it was egregious Indefensible. I made a mistake I wish I hadn't but...don't defend it please."

In another tweet she said: "Not giving excuses for what I did(tweeted) but I've done weird stuff while on ambien -- cracked eggs on the wall at 2am etc."

She deleted the tweets fairly quickly, but not before the manufacturer of Ambien wrote this:

The Dictionary had thoughts as well:

When you are so awful that both the dictionary AND a medication manufacturer come after you on twitter, it is time to log off. For good.

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