The Attorney General and Secretary of Commerce reaped what they sowed by refusing to cooperate with Congress.
July 17, 2019

The House of Representatives held the promised vote today to hold Attorney General William Barr, and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in Contempt of Congress. The two cabinet members refused to comply with subpoenas to come before the House committees regarding a citizenship question on the 2020 census, and today, the House voted to hold them in Contempt. The final vote was 230-198 in favor of holding them both in Contempt of Congress.

From The Washington Post:

After a string of legal defeats, Trump last week abruptly retreated from his efforts to add the question to the census, announcing that he will instead order federal agencies to provide the Commerce Department with records on the numbers of citizens and noncitizens in the country.

But lawmakers continue to demand answers about the motivations behind the administration’s 19-month effort to ask about citizenship status on the decennial survey. In May, new evidence emerged suggesting that the question was crafted specifically to give an electoral advantage to Republicans and whites. The Trump administration has said it needs the information to better enforce the Voting Rights Act.

Barr and Ross wrote to Speaker Nancy Pelosi asking her to cancel the vote right before it was scheduled to take place, and it was filled with hypocrisy and lies, and laughable claims to which we've become so accustomed from this lying, criminal administration.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL "By taking this action the House is both undermining inter-branch comity and..." HAHAHAHAHAHa I'm sorry I couldn't get past that to read the rest...


Yeah, not gonna happen. But the sad thing is, there's exactly zero chance the Contempt vote will be acted on by the Justice Department, since one of the targets of the Contempt vote is the head of the Justice Department. Which is in and of itself still astonishing to consider.

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