June 7, 2019

Another deadline for documents has come and gone, and Donald's administration continues to refuse to produce. This time it was Attorney General Bill Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross who have ignored subpoenas to turn over documents related to the 2020 Census. They added a question related to citizenship, which three federal judges have deemed unconstitutional. New evidence has been discovered showing the GOP added that citizenship question to suppress the minority vote.

According to the Washington Post:

The census question is the focus of one of House Democrats’ many investigations into President Trump and his administration. The White House has said it will not comply with Democrats’ subpoenas.

Democrats have accused the administration of adding the citizenship question to scare immigrants away from responding to the decennial survey, the results of which are used to guide congressional redistricting and the number of representatives a state gets in Congress.

Despite Trump administration officials’ denials, evidence revealed last week suggests that the question was added as a way to give an electoral advantage to Republicans and white voters.

The Trump Administration? Favoring white voters? Witness my shocked face.

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