The SNL Weekend Update desk got a visit from Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren (as embodied by Kate McKinnon) and shared all the incredibly policies and platforms that Warren has created, only to be upstaged by the latest white guy in news coverage.
Whoops! I just figured out universal pre-K, but look at that over there! Mayor Pete Bud-jeg-jeg-judy-toots is playing the piano and speaking fluent Klingon.
And while that's funny (although the references to her age by claiming she made the "varsity stick and hoop team" are more mean-spirited than funny, in my opinion), SNL's writers do make a more salient point than perhaps they realize:
Female candidates running for president are consistently being described in the media more negatively than their male counterparts. That’s what we’ve concluded after an analysis of 130 articles from mainstream news outlets. It’s a disconcerting trend in the 2020 election coverage.
We pointed this out in our first Storybench 2020 Election Coverage Tracker update last month. But with the addition of 70 more articles to our database, the picture has become even clearer.